Welcome to SIP’ER.
We love discovering her-led bevs, and seeing as you’re here, we reckon you do too. We can’t promise wine critic ratings, but we can promise a fun time and a good story.


SIP’ER is the online version of your friendly neighbourhood bar. We’ve got an abundance of sips to recommend and damn good stories to go with them. We’ve done the hard work so you can easily sip, discover, sip, repeat (you’re welcome).
The slower, or in Galit & Alex’s words, “seemingly lazy” approach to winemaking is something that seems to have been carried through every bottle we’ve sipped. Their wines are youthful, fun and relaxed and Alex and Galit are humble, firm believers that there is no ‘right’ way to do things. (Although we *personally* feel they’ve nailed it.)
Like most great things, the idea for Parley was born between three mates over many cocktails (is it just us, or are all great ideas born from a few too many?!). To use Sarah’s words: Joss, Mel and Sarah were having a “three-person-rager” in Basket Range when they came up with the blueprint for their wine label, Parley.
Whether you’re all about the natty wines or a sucker for a classic, we’ve got a colourful mix of reds, whites, rosés and oranges. Oh, and can’t forget the fizzy stuff!
From something light to take the edge off, to something that’ll smack you right in the face with flavour, we’ve got beers that’ll tickle any taste bud. Seasoned beer-drinker or not!
Props to all the kick-ass women who made these. However you like to sip - stirred, shaken or straight up - these bevs will be sure to lift your spirits (sorry, we had to).
Sip your way to delicious-ness with the best in fresh, funky or just plain fun.
We make celebrating women-led wines easy with our monthly SIP-SCRIPTIONS. Go on.
Sip comfy with SIP ‘FIT. Suitable for anyone who wants to look *cute* while doing what they do best - which is sipping, of course.