Chardonnay, Semillon & Drinking Pet Nat in Hot Tubs: Peta from Sabi Wabi Wines







Peta produces honest, small-batch, lo-fi wines made from varieties grown in the Hunter Valley. The label draws inspiration from the ancient Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi; finding beauty amongst imperfection. If you ask us, Sabi Wabi wines are punchy, unexpected and never fail to please us. The drive in starting her own label came from wanting to make wine that she likes and wants to drink. And tbh, that’s a reason if we’ve ever seen one. If only we had the expertise and skill to literally make what we wanted to drink, tell me you wouldn’t do it too?! 

Peta recently won the 2022 Young Gun of Wines Winemaker’s Choice Award (how’s that for an accolade), so our guesses are that a lot (like, a lot) of other people like what she makes too. Including us, obvs. 

Passionate about Chardonnay, Semillon and drinking Pet Nat in hot tubs, Peta never fails to bring us (her biggest fans) something fresh, interesting and just down-right-fucking-delicious.




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“My main drive is not wanting to overwork the wine, I just want to show it in more of its natural form or state. So I hope the wine takes them on a bit of a journey and makes them think more about what they’re drinking.”



SIP’ER: How did you start Sabi Wabi?

PETA: I always wanted to make my own wine - whether that was a small thing just for myself, or for other people to enjoy. I was interested in grapes and wine when I was still in high school, so I really wanted to explore it. I started about 20 years ago (believe it or not) and I’ve done many other things in between - but I came back to it in 2015 really wanting to do my own thing. I launched Sabi Wabi in 2019 making wine that I like to drink, and that I want to drink!

SIP’ER: What’s been your career highlight so far?

PETA: Good question! Probably winning the Young Gun of Wines Award. I really wasn’t expecting that so that was really nice. People were really into what I was doing and really liked my wines which was nice.

SIP’ER: So well deserved!

PETA: I’d definitely pair the Pet Nat with that moment.

SIP’ER: Celebratory!

PETA: I mean Pet Nat goes with anything… 

SIP’ER: For sure. What’s the hardest part of your job that people may not know about?

PETA: There are a lot of logistics that happen in wineries that people probably don’t realise. Even just getting your wine from the tank into the bottle takes a lot of time and thought, down to the finer details like the labels. There’s a lot behind the scenes that people probably don’t realise. At the beginning of all of that, when you’re thinking about what grapes you have and what quality the fruit is and what you can make - there’s a lot behind the scenes.

SIP’ER:  Are you doing that mostly by yourself?

PETA: I do a lot myself but I’m really fortunate that the winery I work in - it’s a collaborative environment so we all help each other. There’s a few other people doing smaller projects, like myself - so there’s always someone I can get help from. But I do a lot myself. 

SIP’ER: And all of the admin things as well?

PETA: Yeah, so you have a hard day in the winery, you’re all soaking wet and tired… And you come home and do more work!

SIP’ER: So when you’re coming home from the winery, you’re all wet and tired… What’s your perfect drink to wind down after a long day?

PETA: I can’t go past a Chardonnay, it’s definitely my favourite wine. If I had to choose one of my wines, it’d be the Skin Contact Semillon. It just makes me feel happy!

SIP’ER: That’s definitely what you want out of a wine!

PETA: Yeah, warm and fuzzy. 

SIP’ER: Would you say that’s your favourite wine you produce? Or what would be your favourite?

PETA: It was actually a new wine for me this year, and I’ve really enjoyed how it’s turned out and how people have received it. It’s probably my top wine of this vintage.

SIP’ER: What do you want people to take away from the experience after drinking Sabi Wabi?

PETA: Maybe think more about what’s in their glass. My main drive is not wanting to overwork the wine, I just want to show it in more of its natural form or state. So I hope the wine takes them on a bit of a journey and makes them think more about what they’re drinking.

SIP’ER: And I guess that’s why you called it Sabi Wabi, because it’s based on the Wabi Sabi concept. 

PETA: Yeah! Seeing things more in the natural light and liking that for what it is. 

SIP’ER: What’s the best way to drink your wines?

PETA: I think it has to involve some sort of hot tub or spa… Pet Nat in the hot tub. Why not?!

SIP’ER: Ugh we just want to do that right now!! If you had to match one of your wines with your personality, which would it be and why?

PETA: One of my wines is called Bright Eyes and it’s a Chardonnay. I’ve called it that because it’s definitely quite bright and expressive. It’s name really fits its personality. Did that answer the question? [Laughs] Sorry I got a bit sidetracked.

Jenny Cheng